What does diversity mean to you? The Voicitys project is looking to gather stories from people living in diverse communities in the UK, Italy, Germany and Hungary. These stories will be used to support decision makers at local and national levels to design better policies and services to support people living near you.
The project is co-funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme.
VOICITYS aims to improve social integration through reinforcing social dialogue and communication in European urban neighbourhoods characterised by ethnical and cultural diversity. More particularly, we intend to improve and make sustainable the communication and interaction between different social groups, and to deepen dialogue between policy makers, stakeholders and citizens in order to promote more efficient management of diversity. Comparing the positive and negative experiences of local citizens with those of local stakeholders, leaders and decision-makers will improve common understandings of diversity at the neighbourhood level. It will also encourage new approaches to existing policies, incentives and tools regarding social integration and sustainable diversity.
The project studies four diverse European neighbourhoods: Berlin, Budapest, Manchester and Sassari through three main activities:
1) collecting and curating stories of citizens through Community Reporting (80 citizen stories)
2) collecting and analysing stakeholders’ views through semi-structured interviews (45 interviews);
3) comparing the results of the two methods and elaborating a series of policy recommendations through participative workshops and consensus meetings.
Trained volunteers/community reporters
Policy stakeholders